Expert information

Expert information

Here's more detailed information around the world of migratory fishes. 

Migratory fishes traffic light - evaluates the migration situation for fishes at obstacles in rivers. Obstacles are for example dams, hydropower plants or sluices. 


Salmon summit 2023 Reykjavik: Detailed information on wild Atlantic Salmon stocks and the interaction with sea based open salmon net pens.
Alternatives to open net pen salmon farming and a lot of initiatives to point out and abolish the deficiencies at sea.


Fishmonitoring - Procedures to watch and understand the migration of fishes in our rivers and creeks. 

Highlights on the following aspects:

  • which methods are essential to understand the migratory behaviour of fishes best. 
  • which technology is used lightbarrier, sonar, chip aso.),
  • where are the installations applied,
  • which insights can be deducted
  • ... and you have the possibility to report tagged fish or fish equipped with a transponder.

database - find actual and historical numbers, data and facts. Information on how, when and where fish migrate are available here.