DAFV presents Brochure: Salmon - fish of the year 2019

Around 30 guests were invited to attend the presentation of the brochure: "Salmon - Fish of the year 2019" by the organization DAFV (Deutscher Angelfischerei Verband)  in Berlin. 
People working for salmon reintroduction projects, scientists, Fishing officials, and members of parliament followed the invitation and celebrated Salmon as an icon of migratory fish species and an indicator for a good river quality. 

Mrs. Dr. Christel Happach-Kasan, president of the organization, gave a warm welcome to the guests and an introduction to the topic "Salmon - fish of the year 2019". 

Armin Weinbrenner of „Wanderfische ohne Grenzen - NASF Germany“ gave his presentation "Salmon in Germany".  Once again he focussed attention on the historic development of the salmon stocks in Germany, specially in River Rhine - formerly the most prolific salmon river in the world. According to a study (Lenders 2016) the decline of the original salmon population in River Rhine catchment from estimated 100 Mio. fish annually (A.D. 1250) to only 100.000 around 1850 was mainly caused by the construction of watermills in medieval times.  

Stefan Ludwig of „Wanderfische ohne Grenzen - NASF Germany“ has gathered an enormous data stock of historic evidence in the database of "Wanderfische ohne Grenzen" and made it available to the public. 
Based on these concrete data Armin Weinbrenner could impressively substantiate the originally enormous stock of salmon in the River Rhine catchment. 

3000 salmon in 1419 between Bern und Solothurn in River Aare, 6000 salmon in 1783 until the end of July in a single pool on the Rhine,  and  798 salmon with a single netcast  in River Fulda 1443 just to mention a few. 
Armin Weinbrenner was then talking about the reintroduction of salmon in Germany. An average yearly stocking of 2 Mio. small salmon faces 100 to 850  returners in the same period. 
He mentioned possible reasons for the fact that the establishment of a self-sustaining population of this species was not possible until today: 

1.    Migration obstacles – lacking biological permeability of the rivers
2.    Predators – cormorant in the first place
3.    Lack of spawning habitats – Silting of riverbeds
4.    Climate change ???
5.    Genetics ???

Conclusively he once more pointed out the basic significance of lively and functioning rivers and river bank habitats. The extiction of species happens her in our rivers in front of our very eyes. The rivers and their banks constitute the ideal network of habitats in our landscape. Like veins in a human body, rivers link the habitats of our landscape.

Flowing free is Living!






Movie from Patagonia

the road to extinction is paved with good intentions


A new movie from Patagonia will be released in Germany shortly. 


This movie is about the decline of salmon stocks caused be the influence of salmon farming.  - Trailer.


Events                                                                  NASF participation

16.04.2019    20:00    Berlin Passage Kino                                   Stefan Ludwig
02.05.2019    20:00    Munich Patagonia Munich                        Armin Weinbrenner
02.05.2019    19:00    Innsbruck Patagonia Innsbruck
10.05.2019    20:00    Düsseldorf Langbrett Düsseldorf
15.05.2019    19:30    Hamburg Langbrett Hamburg                  Manfred Raguse
16.05.2019    20:00    Berlin Langbrett Berlin
17.05.2019    20:00    Köln Stuntwerk Köln (Boulderhalle)
28.05.2019    19:30    Frankfurt Langbrett Frankfurt
05.06.2019    20:00    Salzburg Mozartkino Salzburg
06.06.2019    19:00    Wien Top Kino Wien






River Mulde near Dessau - fish migration bypass now open

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The structure was formally opened on March 22nd 2019. A group of 30 guests gathered directly at the exit of the bypass.

Stakeholders of all sections - professional, governmental and voluntary - attended this event. Dr. Füllner (Elblachs-Projekt) and Mr. George from Saxony as well as Mr. Stephan Nauman of the federal "Umweltbundesamt" and the Angling Societies were present. 


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Minister Mrs. Dalbert (Minister for Environment, Agriculture and Energy) as well as Mr. Hennig (Head of the federal enterprise for flood prevention and water management) held a short speech before the structure was shown to the guests in 3 groups.

Among others 17.500 tons of rocks have been used to construct the bypass.   


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Starting this week the functional control of the bypass will be carried out by Dr. Falko Wagener from Jena. Guntram Ebel will give him his support for the task. Everybody is very keen to see the results.  





River Mulde Dam - Installation for fish downstream migration taking shape! 

Peter Leisebein and Thomas von der Heide both "Wanderfische ohne Grenzen" took the chance while visiting the Major of community of Muldenstausee on March 23rd for a quick visit at the hydropower station Muldestausee. Apart from the problems with fish downstream migration according to the actual state of knowledge and the general problems fish face with dams and hydropower stations (also see Forum Fischschutz), there is really something happening at the River Mulde Dam. 

Rohbau WKA Muldestausee 75 Grafik

The dimensions of the waterinlet are gigantic! There's an existing  downstream fish migration installation, built according to the actual state of knowledge. An additional upstream migration installation is being built. There will then be upstream migration installations on both banks of the River. 

The strong inclination of the grill gives a good idea of the guiding effect of the 15mm horizontal grill.  At its downstream end a flushing flap is mounted to ensure fish downstream migration permenantly. On the right margin of the photo the upstream migration installation can be seen. It is already partly built and scheduled to be completed in 2020.