Hands off salmon as an aliment!
... this could be a short summary of the documentary of Hannes Jaenicke in the ZDF series "im Einsatz für ..." on German TV.
The documentary shows vividly different aspects of the Salmon Industry, like we have seen it more frequently in recent times.
This documentary is a MUST SEE not only for those feeling passionate about salmon but also for the salmon consumer.
Please find documentary here ...
source of photos: ZDF
excellent Dokumentary about salmon reintroduction in Germany
The documentary about the status of salmon reintroduction in Germany by Kristof Reuther and Jonas Steiner is giving a good, representative and emotional overview over hopes and pains of reintroduction projects in Germany and Switzerland.
A must see!
please find documentary here ....
Aktueller Newsletter des NASF international veröffentlicht
Der North Atlantic Salmon Fund (NASF) kümmert sich um die Wildlachsbestände im Nordatlantik und schließt Verträge mit den Fischern in Island, Grönland und den Faröer Inseln mit dem Ziel, die Bestände zu schützen.
Im Newsletter berichtet der NASF über den Status der Vereinbarungen in den einzelnen Ländern.
Hier finden Sie den Newsletter im Original.
Der NASF berichtet, dass es weitere Fortschritte bei der Umsetzung des kommerziellen Abkommens mit der KNAPK, der Organisation der Fischer in Grönland. Eine wesentliche Schwierigkeit für die Beschränkungen bei der Fischerei auf Wildlachs war die zuverlässige Dokumentation der Fangmengen durch die Fischer. Nun gibt es neue Regelungen, die eine Fischereilizenz von der Abgabe eines Fangreports im Vorjahr abhängig machen. Außerdem werden Überfischungen mit Geldstrafen geahndet. Die Verträge zwischen NASF und den Fischern in Grönland laufen bis in das Jahr 2029.
Färöer Inseln
Seit 2001 besteht ein Moratorium für den Fang von Atlantischen Lachsen auf den Färöer Inseln. Diese Vereinbarung wurde bereits von NASF Gründer Orri Vigfussón mit der Fischerorganisation Laksaskip getroffen und hat bis heute Bestand. Auch in diesem Jahr werden Lachse aus dem gesamten Nordatlantik dadurch geschützt. Die Seeregion um die Färöer Inseln stellt einen wichtigen Lebensraum für die Fische dar, wo sie heranwachsen bevor sie wieder in ihre Geburtsflüsse wandern.
Die Freizeitfischerei auf Lachs in Island hat begonnen und nachdem 2019 eines der schlechtesten Jahre mit Blick auf die Zahl der aufsteigenden Lachse war, zeichnet sich für 2020 eine deutlich bessere Situation ab.
Arte Documentation denounces farmed Salmon production
Tv channel Arte showed a 90-minute documentation about salmon production in open netcages at sea on 9th of June 2020.
Here are some of the core statements (all pics taken from the documentation)
The number of salmon rivers is declining rapidly
Salmon farms like this one close to the Chilean shore
On the Norwegian coast 500 fishfarms (yellow dots) are simultaneously in production and are hereby forming a biological barrier for young salmon (so called smolts) migrating to the high seas. In the Norwegian Laerdal River alone 90% (!) of the migrating smolts died in 2019 due to the overproduction of salmon lice caused by salmon farms where lice populations grow to enormous densities!
Looking at the number of salmon in open netcages (yellow) in comparison to the number of wild salmon (green) it can be easily imagined how salmon lice - deadly for young salmon - propagate daramatically and destroy the wild salmon populations.
Further negative impacts are: Genetic manipulation of wild salmon stocks through thousands of escaped and genetically manipulated farm salmon, dramatic pollution of the sea in and around netcages and spreading of deseases due to the mass production in a limited space.
A further problem of salmon production is the overfishing of the oceans.
Therefor the content of fishmeal in salmon feeds has been reduced from 50% to 10%.
And there is only 10 % fishoil contained in fish feeds and therefore less Omega-3-fatty acids, than the consumer assumes.
Worst thing though is that carnivours are turned into herbivours as 30% (see the finger pointing on it) of todays salmon feeds are made of soy beens. At this time huge deforestation of Brazilian Rainforests is taking place to enable higher soy been production. This means that Norway being the biggest supporter of the Amazonas Fond for the Salvation of the Rainforests at the same time has a big fraction of its destruction with its salmon farming industry.
Negative conotation: Transporting soy beens to Europe it is treated with the in Europe forbidden chemical Ethoxyquin (Classification according to EG as acute toxic (orally) and harmful to health when swallowed) to conserve it and to prevent it from autoignition.
This way the toxine indirectly enters the human nutrition circle over the salmon.
No other form of mass animal production tolerates so many dead animals as with salmon...
Anually up to 20% dead salmon - inconceivable - who hears those fish when they cry?
Markierter Lachs Vor Rügen stammt aus Finnland
Markus Glanzmann, angling guide from Glowe on the Island of Rügen, reported us a salmon with two different taggings caught while trolling.
One was a clipped adipose fin, the other a yellow T-bar-anchortag on the back.
The fish has crossed the Baltic Sea over 1300 km and has increased its bodysize from well over 17cm to fabulous 91cm within slightly less than two years!
Many thanks to Rügen and Switzerland for reporting this fish and releasing the data also in the name of the scientists from Finland!
AFGN cofounder Karl-Hans Bahns passed away
The AFGN (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Fischarten und Gewässerschutz in Norddeutschland) has lost one of its most important allies on 21.5.2020.
Karl-Hans Bahns has been part of the backbone of the AFGN. He never tended to push himself to the fore but he was always present when concernes of waters were touched. His engagement at the River Elbe tributary Este and its river system went far beyond issues of fishes. His idea of nature conservation has always been the complete aspect of habitat, plants, animals and humans.
Following my request as a speaker of the AFGN at the time, Karl-Hans provided me completely unselfishly with his entire text and photo archive about the AFGN.
Karl-Hans we are missing you!
Stefan Ludwig former speaker of the AFGN
The newsletter 1/2020 is now available!
Looking back at 2019 we can say that a lot of things happend for migratory fishes. In our latest newsletter we have collected valuable information from many regions all over Germany.
Please find the actual newsletter and all previous editions here.
rising water levels = eel dying
Abundant rainfall like in many parts of Germany these days where very welcome not only for fish-friends.
At River Oker in Lower-Saxony pleasure very quickly gave way to disillusion.
Many Eel were killed on this medium sized hydropower installation.
Rising levels of River Oker caused silver eel to migrate with deadly consequences.
River level: https://www.pegelonline.nlwkn.niedersachsen.de/Karte
Many dead eel within the suspended load - how many of them undetected? Why is so much of the suspended load already dry? Did someone try to hide facts?
Actually we knew what would happen when river levels rise like that. The sqashed fish and the awareness that there are many more than meets the eye are deeply harrowing though. As long as this kind of installations will not be equipped with an effective shelter for eel, glass eel stocking funded by EU and performed in Germany on a large scale does not make a lot of sense.
14 dead eel to be seen - how many are hidden?
For the major part of Germany further rainfall and rising river levels are predicted...
We kindly ask all of you living close to hydorpower stations to document similar incidents.
Thanks in advance in the name of fish!
...apropos, in former times these kind of incidents became apparent more easily:
Deutsche Fischereizeitung von 1886....
Deutsche Fischereizeitung 1888