23.12.2021 Christmas present for fish of River elbe
Reopening of the Southern fish pass at Geesthacht on River Elbe planned for first quarter of 2023.
This is being published in a common press-release of company Vattenfall and the German Federal Waterway and Shipping Administration.
ZDF-Beitrag über den Nachhaltigen Umgang mit Fisch als Nahrung
alle Bilder: Screenshots von der ZDF-Sendung
Ein sehenswerter Beitrag zum Thema nachhaltiger Umgang mit der Nahrungsressource Fisch hat das ZDF in der Reihe "plan b" gesendet. Unter anderem wird sehr anschaulich der Unterschied zwischen konventionellen Aquakultur-Anlagen für Lachs im Meer und an Land dargestellt.
Bei Aquakultur im Meer landen Abfallstoffe unkontrolliert im Meer und es gibt massive Probleme mit Parasiten.
...während bei den landgestützen Anlagen weder Parasiten bekämpft noch Antibiotika eingesetzt werden müssen!
Der Clou bei den landgestützen Anlagen ist die Tatsache, dass die anfallenden Verdauungsprodukte genutzt werden, um Biogasanlagen zu betreiben! Bei der im Beitrag gezeigten Anlage sind das 40 Tonnen pro Woche!
Im Bildhintergrund ist das Förderband für den Klärschlamm zu sehen...
Den Link zur Sendung finden sie hier...
Angler meldet gechipPten Barsch aus der Ruhr
Foto: Stefan Ludwig
Ein mit der Angel gefangener Barsch (perca fluviatilis) aus der Ruhr sorgte für eine Überraschung. In der Küche fand Fänger Markus Willmann einen Sender in dem Fisch.
Foto: Markus Willmann
Glücklicherweise meldete er den Fisch, so dass es uns möglich war, das wissenschaftliche Projekt ausfindig zu machen, welches den Fisch markiert hatte.
Sehr wahrscheinlich wurde der Fisch in der Nähe im Rahmen eines Untersuchungsprojektes für einen Fischpass am Baldeneysee bei Essen markiert. Dort wird der installierte Fischlift auf Funktionsfähigkeit geprüft.
Grafik Quelle: Innovatives in Essen - Essen-Werden (lokalkompass.de) am 19.10.2021
fish upstream migration at geesthacht/river elbe still limited
The upstream migration situation for fish is still limited. Please find the video showing the situation July 2021 here....
Arte: Angler against net fishermen - salmon restocking in france
A German/French TV documentation shows the difficulties with restocking Atlantic Salmon in Rivers in the French Pyrenees.
Please find the documentation here...
BR Program shows: Eco hydropower can't answer claim of fishfriendliness
A report of Bavarian Broadcasting (BR) shows that hydropower stations in rivers having been built with a special focus on fish protection are if at all less harmful but never at all fish friendly. The report presents the results of a scientific investigation of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in a compact and concise manner on one out of nine hydropower stations that were supposed to be specially fish friendly. Please find the report here...
new findings: Salmon migrate longer distances At Sea
photo above: Salmon Kelt (Salmon after spawning returning to the Sea) equipped with a Popup-Tag - photo: Audun Rikardsen audunrikardsen.com
A current scientific study shows that Atlantic Salmon migrate longer distances at Sea than assumed so far. 204 Salmon from Norway, Denmark, Ireland, Spain and Greenland have been equipped with so called "Popup-Tag's" after spawning in the period from 2008 to 2014. These tags record the migration route of the fish and detach from the fish after a certain time. After surfacing they send the recorded data to a satellite. 148 individual fish that were tagged in this way delivered data for the study.
grafic above: Migration Routes of different Salmon stocks in the Atlantic - Source: Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon | Scientific Reports (nature.com)j
While Spanish and Irish Salmon moved to rather southernly areas of the Atlantic the Salmon of Danish Rivers swam up to Greenland and even further North in the vicinity of Barents Sea. There are areas at the east coast of Greenland where different stocks swim together at certain seasons (mixed stocks).
Further interesting information about individual migrations, seasonal migrations and climatic influencing factors can be found here: Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon | Scientific Reports (nature.com)
The technique being used for this complex exploration described vividly in the following graphics:
survey on distribution of pink Salmon
photo above: male Pink Salmon ready to spawn
In 2017 an increasing number of Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) were caught in the North Atlantic and partly also in Germany. This Pacific salmon specieshas been set out in the fifties in the area of the Kola peninsula in Northern Russia. It is still unkown why this species starts to spread along the entire European Atlantic coast since 2017. A scientific study should help to answer this question.
If you catch a pink salmon in European water, please report to:
Elbefische werden in Geesthacht aufgehalten
Bild oben: Aktuell ist der Fischpass am Südufer für Fische gesperrt
Seit dem Spätsommer 2019 wurde die Möglichkeit der Fischwanderung deutlich verschlechtert. Grund dafür ist, dass die Wehranlage, die auch für den Straßenverkehr genutzt wird, derart gravierende Mängel aufweist, dass weitreichende Sicherungsmaßnahemen ergriffen werden mussten. Diese Maßnahmen haben dazu geführt, dass der Fischpass am linken Ufer verfüllt wurde, also für die Fischwanderung komplett ausfällt. Der rechte Fischpass wurde zunächst seiner Lockströmung beraubt, die dann später behelfsmässig durch eine Rohrinstallation teilweise wieder hergestellt wurde.
Bild oben: So sah es vor der Verfüllung am Südufer für Fische aus.
Ein tiefer gehende Präsentation zu dem Thema finden Sie hier.
„Wasserwerke töten Fische!“
... headlined Sundays BILD live news channel meaning hydropower stations in rivers kill fish.
Our video about the Eel issue at Meinersen hydropower station found its way over the German Angling Associoation (DAFV) right into Sundays live program of BILD directly after we had published it on our YouTube Channel.
Showing parts of the mentioned video Stefan Ludwig of "Wanderfische ohne Grenzen" gave a live interview about the issue.
Please find a recording of the program here .
"STOP shredding millions of fish!"
...headlines the German "BILD-Zeitung" today.
What happens regularily at the hydropower station in Meinersen has its share in this.
Reason for the article is a press release of the DAFV (German Angling Association) that is currently being prepared and takes a clear stance on hydropower.
Please take a look at the online article:
Anglerverband: „Stoppt das Schreddern von Millionen Fischen!“ - News Inland - Bild.de
Source: DAFV Press Release
Hydropower Station at Meinersen turns into deadly eel-trap again
Hydropower Stations in rivers are very often responsible for massive damages done to fishes.
Fish species being dependent on migration to complete their life cycles are theratened or even extinct.
The reasons will be shown here in a series of short videoclips.
This clip here about a hydropower station at Meinersen on River Oker in Lower Saxony shows what happens unfortunately all the time when European Eel start their journey to their spawning habitats in the Sargasso Sea at the Gulf of Mexico: Even before the journey has really started, it is stopped here at this migration obstacle and many eel end up as flotsam in the container of the grid cleaning device. On the way to the Sea there are many hydropower stations... Please see the video here...
A lot of the water has been led over the weir but that didn't prevent the Eels to take their way into the hydropower station.
On 5.2.2021 again eel were trapped in the dead end hydropower following the high water levels. At very high water levels eel gathered as often before in front of the grid of the hydropower station. This happend although a lot of water was channeled around the hydropower station.
The bypass directly at the grid has not been supplied with water. So the eels were pressed against the grid again and again.
Bypass pipe on 5.2.2021 without water and therefore useless!