The Association

The Association

“Wanderfische ohne Grenzen – NASF Deutschland” was founded on the 17th of April 2015 by 13 members in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich/Germany.

Orri Vigfússon and a group of dedicated Salmon conservationists initiated the founding of the association.

They clearly identified the need to give a platform to the great number of people fighting untiringly for the rescue of migratory fish species and their aquatic habitats in Germany and Mainland Europe.

Networking for the regional migratory fishes initiatives is an important function of the association.

Together we are able to address the problems and obstacles to the German and European political level a lot more powerful and necessary measures can be taken more efficiently.

A major concern of the association is to focus public awareness on the situation of the Atlantic Salmon, the migratory fish species and the aquatic habitats as a whole.

The association wants to support and carry out priority projects that could be a beacon for many other migratory fishes initiatives.


  • Removal of migration obstacles
  • Realize a German salmon river free of obstacles
  • Monitoring of fish migration on migration obstacles
  • and many more ...