#protect - help protecting our waters
Calling for protection of waters „Living Rivers Europe“ and the "European Anglers Alliance" have launched an initiative to increase pressure on the pace of implementation of measures according to the EU Water-Framework -directive.
Canalized Waters far from natural, fish mortalities, migration obstacles are only some of many negative impacts that have to be delt with implementing the EU Water-Framework-Directive.
Just like us having our health checked by a doctor from time to time the European Community laws are being checked regularily. Right now it's the EU-Water-Framework-Directive's turn. It is one of the most ambitious environmental laws in the EU. The results after 15 years of implementation though are more than sobering.
With the slogan #ProtectWater „Living Rivers Europe“ together with the European Anglers Alliance (EAA)" calls EU citizens to vote for the persistence of the EU Water-Framework-Directive and for more committment for the implemenentation. This public consultation is available online at our partner "European Anglers Alliance":
Your click on „ACT NOW“ helps to support the water ecosystem.
Dramatic impact of cormorants!
For the insider it might sound little surprising but the findings of Niels Jepsen of the Danish Institute for Inland Fisheries (DTU aqua) lift the issue on a new level.
Please find the video presentation he gave at the conference “From Headwater to Headland” on 14th to 15th of March 2017 at Berwick-upon-Tweed/GB right here .
Cormorant juggling a lamprey in front of the dam at Bremen/Hemelingen on River Weser in Autumn 2018.
In October2018 Niels held a similar presentation at the European Anglers Alliance. We can just hope these findings will soon lead to a European Management of the Cormorant population. Please find the presentation here.
Haringvliet Sluices open!
The first obstacle for migratory fishes in River Rhine has been opened on November 15th 2018.
Also at high tide a certain number of flaps depending on the water flowrate will now stay open.
This means that for the first time since 1971 fish willing to migrate up the river will be able to use this former main migration route. Apart from that on the inside of the sluices water salinity will rise and will lead to brackish water conditions. Downstream migrating fish will no more suffer a salinity shock entering the North Sea. The NASF fish migration ecolabel also shows this improved status.
The Haringvliet is one of the great estuary arms of River Rhine. South of the city of Rotterdam the estuary stretches over 25km in length and 2 to 3 km wide. Until today it wasn’t possible for fish to pass the sluices upstream as water current velocity in the flap channels was too high.
Please find the press release of the “International Commission tor the Protection of the Rhine” here in various languages:
Haringvliet Sluices at the Mouth of River Rhine into the North Sea. Photo dates from September 2018 with flaps still closed.
Only the comparison with the biker shows the enormous size of the flaps. This flaps will now also be lifted at high tide, so fish have a chance to migrate upstreams.
In September 2018 birds benefitted from the irritation of the fish caused by water pressure and difference in salinity...
...but not only birds - also seals...
State of permeability for fishes of River Rhine
The Fish Migration Ecolabel for River Rhine presents a quick overview of the migration situation for fish species in River Rhine. Though big efforts have been made to improve upstream migration for fish, like at Iffezheim or Gambsheim, yet downstream fish migration has been left unconsidered until today. This is due to the fact, that for downstream migration in big rivers no tecnical solution exists, that really works.
There's also some good news though:
The Haringvliet in the mouth of the Rhine in the Netherlands will be partly opened for fish passage in September 2018. At least for the Migration Fish Projects working below Iffezheim a clear improvement of the migration situation may be expected.
Please find more on this issue as well as ecolabel reports for other rivers hier.
Die beiden vor Rügen gefangenen Lachse kommen aus Nordskandinavien
Beim Lachsangeln vor Rügen wurden 2 markierte Lachse von Angelfischern gefangen und mit unserem Meldeformular bekannt gemacht.
Dank dieser Meldung wissen wir nun das diese Fische aus Nordskandinavien stammen.
Vielen Dank für die Bereitstellung der Informationen !
Wer markierte Fische fängt - egal wo - bitte um Rückmeldung !
Migratory Fishes need your help!
On the 21st of April 2018 the World-Fish-Migration-Day will be celebrated.
Please help applying the attention to fishes by planning your own event.
Wanderfische-ohne-Grenzen will organize three own events that will be presented here later.
The World-Fish-Migration-Foundation has released this motivating video.
You will find the already registered events here: https://www.worldfishmigrationday.com/Events
Remembering Orri
On 1st of July 2017 the founder and chairman of NASF international has left us. Now on the 23rd of January friends, companions and familiy of Orri gathered at Fischmonger's Hall in London to commonly remember the great salmon conservationist.
The historical building and its beautiful hall with a wonderful view on River Thames provided a worthy setting for the "Remembering Orri" Memorial. Apart from his great merits for the conservation of the Atlantic Salmon the speeches held to his honour clearly showed what Orri as a man meant to those who now stand to preserve his legacy and passionately carry on to follow Orri's goals.
The memorial also offered the chance for the representatives of the NASF countries organizations to get to know each other better and to develop a concept of how the future of NASF international could be organized. In the morning of that day a meeting had taken place where Adrien Latimer, the chairman of NASF France, proposed to install a "steering committee" which is supposed to take decisions for NASF international at least preliminarily. This panel will be constituted of all national NASF representatives. For Germany the chariman of "Wanderfische ohne Grenzen - NASF D" Armin Weinbrenner has been assigned to the committee.